
Deze pagina is verouderd. Ga naar de vernieuwde pagina.

'); //All pictures are printed } //End of if there are 1 or more pictures to be printed ---------------------- ?>

0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates $qry="SELECT 1 , tblsystext.txlid , tblsystext.txtname , onderdelen.* FROM onderdelen INNER JOIN tblsystext ON onderdelen.partid = tblsystext.recordid WHERE tblsystext.lanid = 1 AND tblsystext.txlid = 19 AND onderdelen.idsrtodd = $idsrt ORDER BY tblsystext.txtname ;"; } else { //Else you are restricted to parts with status > 99 only $qry="SELECT 1 , tblsystext.txlid , tblsystext.txtname , onderdelen.* FROM onderdelen INNER JOIN tblsystext ON onderdelen.partid = tblsystext.recordid WHERE tblsystext.lanid = 1 AND tblsystext.txlid = 19 AND onderdelen.idsrtodd = $idsrt AND onderdelen.status = 100 ORDER BY tblsystext.txtname ;"; } $sql = pg_query($con1, $qry); if (!$sql) { echo "Er is een fout opgetreden.\n"; exit; } echo ("

"); echo (""); /* echo (""); echo (""); if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates echo (""); } echo (""); */ $_recordteller = 0; $_recordseinde = pg_num_rows($sql); while ($_recordteller<$_recordseinde){ $ARR = pg_fetch_array ($sql ,$_recordteller); $_id = $ARR[3]; $_status = $ARR[4]; $_createdby = $ARR[5]; $_createddate = $ARR[6]; $_changedby = $ARR[7]; $_changeddate = $ARR[8]; $_memo = $ARR[9]; $_producentnaamkort = $ARR[11]; $_urlproducent = $ARR[12]; $_type = $ARR[13]; $_urltype = $ARR[14]; $_leveranciernaamkort = $ARR[15]; $_urlleverancier = $ARR[16]; $_prijseurinclbtw = $ARR[17]; $_urlprijs = $ARR[18]; $_werkspanningvoltdc = $ARR[19]; $_stroomverbruikmax = $ARR[20]; $_opmerking = $ARR[21]; $_idsrtodd = $ARR[22]; $_urlodd = $ARR[23]; $prticon = $ARR[24]; $_oddnaam = get_txt($con1, 19, $koekje[2], $_id); if ($ARR[29] == 1) {$imgname = "nederland.png";} if ($ARR[29] == 2) {$imgname = "deutschland.png";} if ($ARR[29] == 3) {$imgname = "uk.png";} if ($ARR[29] == 4) {$imgname = "france.png";} echo (""); if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates echo (""); } //echo (""); echo (''); $_recordteller++; } //endwhile echo ('
"); echo ("Onderdelen in deze groep
"); echo ("Parts in this groupStatus
"); echo (""); echo ("$prticon"); echo (""); echo ("$ARR[2]"); $stat= get_status($con1, $koekje[2], $_status); echo ("$stat "); //echo ("flag.gif"); //echo ("
'); //End of listing parts -------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function get_status($conid, $lan, $defrec){ $qry = ("SELECT tblsystext.txtname FROM tblsystext LEFT JOIN status ON tblsystext.recordid = WHERE = $defrec AND txlid = 61 AND lanid = $lan"); $result = pg_query($conid, $qry); $row = pg_fetch_array($result); return ("$row[0]"); } ?> 0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates $qry=("SELECT soortonderdeel.* FROM soortonderdeel WHERE id = $idsrt ;"); $result = pg_query($con1, $qry); while($row = pg_fetch_array($result)){ //Fields accesible by their name foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } } $jaar = substr($changeddate,0,4); $maand = substr($changeddate,5,2); $dag = substr($changeddate,8,2); $last_stamp = ("$dag $maand $jaar"); $jaar = substr($createddate,0,4); $maand = substr($createddate,5,2); $dag = substr($createddate,8,2); $create_stamp = ("$dag $maand $jaar"); echo ("

"); echo (""); echo (""); //*** LAST CHANGE MADE TO THIS SORT ----------------------------------------- echo (""); //*** RECORD CREATED DATE --------------------------------------------------- echo (""); // *** PART OWNER ----------------------------------------------------------- echo (""); //*** STATUS OF THIS ITEM echo (""); echo ("
General information"); echo ("("); echo ("edit)"); echo ("
Laatste wijziging  "); echo("$last_stamp
Aangemaakt  "); echo("$create_stamp
Eigenaar  "); $name = get_person_name($con1, $sort_master, $koekje[2]); echo("$name
Status  "); $tmp = getStatTxt($con1, $status, $koekje[2]); echo ("$tmp
"); } ?> "); $counter = 0; $aantal = str_word_count($pict_list, 0, "0123456789"); $lijst = str_word_count($pict_list, 1, "0123456789"); while($counter < $aantal){ $pictkey = $lijst[$counter]; $qryy1 = ("SELECT * FROM illustrations WHERE ill_id = $pictkey ;"); $resulty1 = pg_query($con1, $qryy1); while($row = pg_fetch_array($resulty1)){ //Fields accesible by their name foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } } $image = ("/robotigs/documentatie/plaatjes/$ill_name"); $pictfull = str_replace('_small', '', $image); //Pictfull=biggest version $alt = ("Just wait till your 57...."); $txtname = get_txt($con1, 18, $koekje[2], $ill_id); //Robot illustrations subtitles echo (""); echo (''. $alt .'
'); $nummer = $counter + 1; $txtAfb = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3865); //Pic Afb if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: "); echo ("$txtname"); echo ("
"); echo ("Ontkoppelen "); if ($counter==0){ echo ("Up "); }else{ echo ("Up "); } if ($nummer == $aantal){ echo ("Down"); }else{ echo ("Down"); } }else{ //Else of if Meaning the current useer is logged in echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: $txtname"); } echo ('

'); //End of this picture $counter++; //Prepair for next picture } echo ('