RS232 robotalt  

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"); $counter = 0; $aantal = str_word_count($pict_list, 0, "0123456789"); $lijst = str_word_count($pict_list, 1, "0123456789"); while($counter < $aantal){ $pictkey = $lijst[$counter]; $qryy1 = ("SELECT * FROM illustrations WHERE ill_id = $pictkey ;"); $resulty1 = pg_query($con1, $qryy1); while($row = pg_fetch_array($resulty1)){ //Fields accesible by their name foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } } $image = ("/robotigs/documentatie/plaatjes/$ill_name"); $pictfull = str_replace('_small', '', $image); //Pictfull=biggest version $alt = ("Just wait till your 57...."); $txtname = get_txt($con1, 18, $koekje[2], $ill_id); //Robot illustrations subtitles echo (""); echo (''. $alt .'
'); $nummer = $counter + 1; $txtAfb = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3865); //Pic Afb if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: "); echo ("$txtname"); echo ("
"); echo ("Ontkoppelen "); if ($counter==0){ echo ("Up "); }else{ echo ("Up "); } if ($nummer == $aantal){ echo ("Down"); }else{ echo ("Down"); } }else{ //Else of if Meaning the current useer is logged in echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: $txtname"); } echo ('

'); //End of this picture $counter++; //Prepair for next picture } echo (''); //All pictures are printed } //End of if there are 1 or more pictures to be printed ---------------------- ?>

Zie ook Flora RS232. Deze robot kan op zichzelf werken maar om te worden ingesteld gebruikt zij RS232. Handig is dan de Arduino editor.

Arduino SoftwareSerial library is bedoeld om extra software gestuurde poorten te maken op chips die zelf slechts 1 uart hebben. Probeer dit te vermijden want er bestaan ook chips met meerdere poorten en dat werkt veel beter.

"); echo (""); echo (""); //*** SHOW PARTS IN STORED SEQUENCE ($parts_list) --------------------------- while(isset($lijst[$cntrlp])){ $partkey = $lijst[$cntrlp]; $qrylp=("SELECT tblsystext.txtname , onderdelen.prt_icon_link , onderdelen.prijseurinclbtw , onderdelen.idsrtodd , onderdelen.lanid FROM onderdelen INNER JOIN tblsystext ON onderdelen.partid = tblsystext.recordid WHERE tblsystext.lanid = onderdelen.lanid AND tblsystext.txlid = 19 AND onderdelen.partid = $partkey ;"); $resultlp = pg_query($con1, $qrylp); $rowlp = pg_fetch_array($resultlp); if ($rowlp[4] == 1) {$imgname = "nederland.gif";} if ($rowlp[4] == 2) {$imgname = "deutschland.gif";} if ($rowlp[4] == 3) {$imgname = "uk.gif";} if ($rowlp[4] == 4) {$imgname = "france.gif";} //*** SHOW RECORD echo (""); echo (""); echo (""); echo (""); //End of show group if ($koekje[3]=="1") { //If this user wants to translate then //echo (""); echo (""); } echo (""); $bedrag = $bedrag + $rowlp[2]; //Calculate total robot price $cntrlp++; } //End of while displaying this mother part AND childparts echo ("
"); echo ("Onderdelen van deze robot:"); echo ("
"); echo ("$rowlp[1]"); echo ("$rowlp[0]"); //Show group $prtsrttxt = get_prtsrt_name2($con1, $koekje[2], $rowlp[3]); echo (""); echo ("$prtsrttxt "); //echo ("flag.gif"); //echo (""); echo (""); echo (" "); if ($cntrlp==0){ echo (" "); }else{ echo (""); echo (" "); } if ($cntrlp == $aantal){ echo (" "); }else{ echo (""); echo (""); } echo ("
"); if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates $bedrag_formatted = number_format($bedrag / 100, 0, ',', '.'); echo ("

Project costs: € $bedrag_formatted"); } } //End of if ($part_list) ----------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function get_prtsrt_name2($conid, $lan, $recid){ $qry = ("SELECT * FROM tblsystext WHERE txlid = 26 AND lanid = $lan AND recordid = $recid ;"); $result = pg_query($conid, $qry); $row = pg_fetch_array($result); return ("$row[1]"); } ?>

"); $folder = $arr1[0]; $countertmp = 0; foreach (scandir($folder, 1) as $filename) { if ($filename<>"." AND $filename <>".."){ if ($countertmp == 0){ $countertmp++; echo (""); } //End of if ($countertmp == 0) $tmp = "/"; $dir = substr($folder, 14) ."/"; $link = $tmp .$dir .$filename; $showname = substr($filename, 0 ,-4); echo ""; } //End of if ($filename<>"." AND $filename <>".."){ } //End of foreach (scandir($folder, 1) as $filename) echo ("
Software voor deze robot"); echo ("
"); } //End of if (isset($arr1[0])) ?> 0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates echo ("

"); echo (""); $qryap=("SELECT tblsystext.txtname , tblsystext.recordid FROM onderdelen INNER JOIN tblsystext ON onderdelen.partid = tblsystext.recordid WHERE txlid = 19 AND tblsystext.lanid = onderdelen.lanid AND selectable = 0 AND '$part_list' NOT LIKE '% ' || tblsystext.recordid || ' %' ORDER BY tblsystext.txtname ;"); $resultap = pg_query($con1, $qryap); echo ("
Add a part to this robot "); echo ("
"); echo ("  "); echo ("==>   Add"); echo ('
'); } //End of if ($koekje[0]>0) End of only for logged in users 0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates $qrydb=("SELECT farmbotversie.* FROM farmbotversie WHERE id = $idbot ;"); $resultdb = pg_query($con1, $qrydb); while($row = pg_fetch_array($resultdb)){ //Fields accesible by their name foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } } $jaar = substr($changeddate,0,4); $maand = substr($changeddate,5,2); $dag = substr($changeddate,8,2); $last_stamp = ("$dag $maand $jaar"); $jaar = substr($createddate,0,4); $maand = substr($createddate,5,2); $dag = substr($createddate,8,2); $create_stamp = ("$dag $maand $jaar"); echo ("

"); echo (""); echo (""); //*** LAST CHANGE MADE TO THIS ROBOT ---------------------------------------- echo (""); //*** RECORD CREATED DATE --------------------------------------------------- echo (""); // *** PART OWNER ----------------------------------------------------------- echo (""); // *** VERSIENAAM ----------------------------------------------------------- echo (""); // *** FLESSENHALS ----------------------------------------------------------- echo (""); // *** RECORD STATUS -------------------------------------------------------- echo (""); if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates $tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3918); //Fieldname at screen LANGUAGE if ($lanid == 1) {$imgname = "nederland.png";} if ($lanid == 2) {$imgname = "deutschland.png";} if ($lanid == 3) {$imgname = "uk.png";} if ($lanid == 4) {$imgname = "france.png";} echo (""); } echo ("
"); echo ("General information "); echo ("("); echo ("edit)"); echo ("
Laatste wijziging  "); echo("$last_stamp
Aangemaakt  "); echo("$create_stamp
Eigenaar  "); //Needs botmaster from the file, tblsysuser.usrid $name = get_person_name($con1, $bot_master, $koekje[2]); echo("$name
Versienaam:  "); echo("$versienaam
Flessenhals:  "); echo("$flessenhals
Record status  "); $statTxt = getStatTxt($con1, $status, $koekje[2]); echo("$statTxt"); echo ("
$tmp"); echo ("flag.gif"); echo ("
"); } //End of if ($koekje[0]>0)