Zie ook mrBoldermin brains.
Toevoegen shield aan chassis
Serieel CMU naar laptop / java
//SHOW ALL PARTS USED IN THIS ROBOT *****************************************
// Location:/robotigs/includes/ list_parts_per_bot.php
// This is an include, so no parsing needed
if ($part_list){
$lijst = explode(" , ", $part_list);
$aantal = str_word_count($part_list, 0, " ") - 2; //Needed for positioning
$bedrag = 0;
$cntrlp = 0;
echo (" ");
echo ("");
echo ("Onderdelen van deze robot:");
echo (" | ");
echo (" ");
//*** SHOW PARTS IN STORED SEQUENCE ($parts_list) ---------------------------
$partkey = $lijst[$cntrlp];
$qrylp=("SELECT tblsystext.txtname
, onderdelen.prt_icon_link
, onderdelen.prijseurinclbtw
, onderdelen.idsrtodd
, onderdelen.lanid
FROM onderdelen INNER JOIN tblsystext ON onderdelen.partid = tblsystext.recordid
WHERE tblsystext.lanid = onderdelen.lanid
AND tblsystext.txlid = 19
AND onderdelen.partid = $partkey
$resultlp = pg_query($con1, $qrylp);
$rowlp = pg_fetch_array($resultlp);
if ($rowlp[4] == 1) {$imgname = "nederland.gif";}
if ($rowlp[4] == 2) {$imgname = "deutschland.gif";}
if ($rowlp[4] == 3) {$imgname = "uk.gif";}
if ($rowlp[4] == 4) {$imgname = "france.gif";}
echo ("");
echo ("");
echo (" | ");
echo ("");
echo ("$rowlp[0] | ");
echo (""); //Show group
$prtsrttxt = get_prtsrt_name2($con1, $koekje[2], $rowlp[3]);
echo ("");
echo ("$prtsrttxt | "); //End of show group
if ($koekje[3]=="1") { //If this user wants to translate then
//echo (" ");
//echo ("");
//echo (" | ");
echo ("");
echo ("");
echo (" ");
if ($cntrlp==0){
echo (" ");
echo ("");
echo (" ");
if ($cntrlp == $aantal){
echo (" ");
echo ("");
echo ("");
echo (" | ");
echo (" ");
$bedrag = $bedrag + $rowlp[2]; //Calculate total robot price
} //End of while displaying this mother part AND childparts
echo (" ");
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
$bedrag_formatted = number_format($bedrag / 100, 0, ',', '.');
echo ("Project costs: € $bedrag_formatted");
} //End of if ($part_list) -----------------------------------------------------
function get_prtsrt_name2($conid, $lan, $recid){
$qry = ("SELECT * FROM tblsystext
WHERE txlid = 26
AND lanid = $lan
AND recordid = $recid
$result = pg_query($conid, $qry);
$row = pg_fetch_array($result);
return ("$row[1]");
$qry=("SELECT software_basedir
FROM farmbotversie
WHERE id = $idbot;");
$result = pg_query($con1, $qry);
$col = pg_fetch_array ($result ,0);
$dir1 = "/var/www/html/robotigs/software/$col[0]";
$arr1 = glob($dir1, GLOB_ONLYDIR);
if (isset($arr1[0])){
echo (" ");
$folder = $arr1[0];
$countertmp = 0;
foreach (scandir($folder, 1) as $filename) {
if ($filename<>"." AND $filename <>".."){
if ($countertmp == 0){
echo ("Software voor deze robot");
echo (" | ");
} //End of if ($countertmp == 0)
$tmp = "/";
$dir = substr($folder, 14) ."/";
$link = $tmp .$dir .$filename;
$showname = substr($filename, 0 ,-4);
echo "$showname | ";
} //End of if ($filename<>"." AND $filename <>".."){
} //End of foreach (scandir($folder, 1) as $filename)
echo (" ");
} //End of if (isset($arr1[0]))
//ONLY FOR SYS MANAGER ******************************************************
//*** ADD A PART TO THIS ROBOT -------------------------------------------------
//This is an include, so no parsing needed
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
echo ("");
echo ("Add a part to this robot ");
echo (" | ");
$qryap=("SELECT tblsystext.txtname
, tblsystext.recordid
FROM onderdelen
INNER JOIN tblsystext ON onderdelen.partid = tblsystext.recordid
WHERE txlid = 19
AND tblsystext.lanid = onderdelen.lanid
AND selectable = 0
AND '$part_list' NOT LIKE '% ' || tblsystext.recordid || ' %'
ORDER BY tblsystext.txtname
$resultap = pg_query($con1, $qryap);
echo ("");
echo ("  ");
echo ("==> Add");
echo (' | ');
} //End of if ($koekje[0]>0) End of only for logged in users
//SPECIFIC INFO FOR SYS MANAGER *********************************************
//This is an include, so no parsing needed
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
$qrydb=("SELECT farmbotversie.*
FROM farmbotversie
WHERE id = $idbot
$resultdb = pg_query($con1, $qrydb);
while($row = pg_fetch_array($resultdb)){ //Fields accesible by their name
foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){
$$key = stripslashes( $val );
$jaar = substr($changeddate,0,4);
$maand = substr($changeddate,5,2);
$dag = substr($changeddate,8,2);
$last_stamp = ("$dag $maand $jaar");
$jaar = substr($createddate,0,4);
$maand = substr($createddate,5,2);
$dag = substr($createddate,8,2);
$create_stamp = ("$dag $maand $jaar");
echo ("");
echo ("");
echo ("");
echo ("General information ");
echo ("(");
echo ("edit)");
echo (" | ");
//*** LAST CHANGE MADE TO THIS ROBOT ----------------------------------------
echo ("Laatste wijziging   | ");
echo("$last_stamp | ");
//*** RECORD CREATED DATE ---------------------------------------------------
echo ("Aangemaakt   | ");
echo("$create_stamp | ");
// *** PART OWNER -----------------------------------------------------------
echo ("Eigenaar   | ");
//Needs botmaster from the file, tblsysuser.usrid
$name = get_person_name($con1, $bot_master, $koekje[2]);
echo("$name | ");
// *** VERSIENAAM -----------------------------------------------------------
echo ("Versienaam:   | ");
echo("$versienaam | ");
// *** FLESSENHALS -----------------------------------------------------------
echo ("Flessenhals:   | ");
echo("$flessenhals | ");
// *** RECORD STATUS --------------------------------------------------------
echo ("Record status   | ");
$statTxt = getStatTxt($con1, $status, $koekje[2]);
echo (" | ");
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3918); //Fieldname at screen LANGUAGE
if ($lanid == 1) {$imgname = "nederland.png";}
if ($lanid == 2) {$imgname = "deutschland.png";}
if ($lanid == 3) {$imgname = "uk.png";}
if ($lanid == 4) {$imgname = "france.png";}
echo ("$tmp | ");
echo ("");
echo (" | ");
echo (" ");
} //End of if ($koekje[0]>0)
| //Location:/robotigs/includes/ picts_show.php
// Requieres: $pict_list and several picture handling javascript routines
//*** FROM HERE ON THE PICTURE CORNER STARTS -----------------------------------
if ($pict_list){ //There are 1 or more pictures to be printed
echo ("");
$counter = 0;
$aantal = str_word_count($pict_list, 0, "0123456789");
$lijst = str_word_count($pict_list, 1, "0123456789");
while($counter < $aantal){
$pictkey = $lijst[$counter];
$qryy1 = ("SELECT *
FROM illustrations
WHERE ill_id = $pictkey
$resulty1 = pg_query($con1, $qryy1);
while($row = pg_fetch_array($resulty1)){ //Fields accesible by their name
foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){
$$key = stripslashes( $val );
$image = ("/robotigs/documentatie/plaatjes/$ill_name");
$pictfull = str_replace('_small', '', $image); //Pictfull=biggest version
$alt = ("Just wait till your 57....");
$txtname = get_txt($con1, 18, $koekje[2], $ill_id); //Robot illustrations subtitles
echo ("");
echo (' ');
$nummer = $counter + 1;
$txtAfb = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3865); //Pic Afb
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: ");
echo ("$txtname");
echo (" ");
echo ("Ontkoppelen ");
if ($counter==0){
echo ("Up ");
echo ("Up ");
if ($nummer == $aantal){
echo ("Down");
echo ("Down");
}else{ //Else of if Meaning the current useer is logged in
echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: $txtname");
echo (''); //End of this picture
$counter++; //Prepair for next picture
echo (' | '); //All pictures are printed
} //End of if there are 1 or more pictures to be printed ----------------------