Deze basic-achtige compiler is uitsluitend geschikt voor Atmel controllers en loopt enkel onder Windows. Het is een commercieel product, maar een demo versie kan worden gedownload en is volledig functioneel. De beperking ligt erin dat hij compileert tot slechts maximaal 4k. En dat is snel bereikt met Bascom. Bascom is hoogst mogelijk simpel en werkt redelijk goed, maar het werkt in mijn ogen tergend langzaam en het neemt enorm veel geheugenruimte op de controller. Leuk om mee te beginnen of snel een "quick and dirty" programmaatje te schrijven, maar niet echt geschikt om een hoogwaardigere robot mee te ontwikkelen.
De installatie van de demo-versie liep bij mij onder XP probleemloos. Het upgraden naar mijn betaalde versie was echter minder éénvoudig, door het beveiligings- en autorisatiesysteem van MCS-electronics. Als u een commerciele versie koopt wees dan zeker dat u een backup heeft van de originele licentie.dll, want later zal er zonder deze dll niets meer werken. Zonder backup bent u uw geld kwijt als uw schijf crasht. De email support is goed. Voor mij is de istallatieprocedure (vanuit de backup) als volgt:
- Maak een kopie van //login/bascom/ naar de locale pc en installeer deze versie zonder de (verouderde) updatewizzard.
- Download de updatewizzard en de license.lic file en leg deze in dezelfde directory (default: C:Program FilesMCS electronics/BASCOM-AVR)
- Voer de updatewizzard uit. Zorg dat de oude versie wordt overschreven, dat is bijzonder veel simpeler.
//This is an include, so no parsing needed
$qry2 = ("SELECT onderdelen.*,
FROM onderdelen
JOIN soortonderdeel ON onderdelen.idsrtodd =
WHERE onderdelen.partid = $idpart
$result2 = pg_query($con1, $qry2);
$row4 = pg_fetch_array($result2); //Make the fields accesible
foreach( $row4 AS $key => $val ){
$$key = stripslashes( $val );
$jaar = substr($changeddate,0,4);
$maand = substr($changeddate,5,2);
$dag = substr($changeddate,8,2);
$lastupdate = ("$jaar $maand $dag");
$prtsrttxt = get_txt($con1, 26, 1, $idsrtodd);
$jaar = substr($createddate,0,4);
$maand = substr($createddate,5,2);
$dag = substr($createddate,8,2);
$create_stamp = ("$dag $maand $jaar");
//GENERAL INFO FOR EVERY USER **************************************************
echo (" ");
echo (""); //Header
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3923); //Fieldname at screen
if ($koekje[3]=="1") { //If this user wants to translate then
echo ("$tmp"); //If desired
}else{ echo ("$tmp"); } //Else just show if no need to translate
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
echo (" (edit)");
echo ("Algemene informatie test | ");
if ($codetext) { //Code like KY-026 or NA-41
echo ("");
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3739); //Fieldname at screen
if ($koekje[3]=="1") { //If this user wants to translate then
echo ("$tmp"); //Class for colour
}else{ //So you are not allowed to translate
echo $tmp; //Show screenname of this field in user language
} //End of If you want to translate this fieldname at screen
echo ("  | ");
if ($codelink) {
echo ("$codetext");
echo ("$codetext");
} //End of if ($pinoutlink)
echo (" | ");
} //End of if ($codetext)
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3741); //Fieldname at screen
if ($prijseurinclbtw > 0){ //Show price indication
$prijs_formatted = number_format($prijseurinclbtw / 100, 2, ',', '.');
echo ("$tmp   | ");
echo ("");
if ($urlprijs){
echo ("€  $prijs_formatted");
echo ("€  $prijs_formatted");
} //End of if ($urlprijs > "")
echo (" | ");
} //End of if ($prijseurinclbtw > 0)
if ($sketchtext) { //Link to OWN SOFTWARE
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3738); //Fieldname at screen
echo ("$tmp   | ");
if ($sketchlink) {
echo ("$sketchtext");
echo ("$sketchtext");
} //End of if ($sketchlink)
echo (" | ");
} //End of if ($sketchtext)
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3744); //Fieldname at screen
if ($pinouttext) { //Pinout
echo ("$tmp   | ");
if ($pinoutlink) {
echo ("$pinouttext");
echo ("$pinouttext");
} //End of if ($pinoutlink)
echo (" | ");
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, 1, 3735); //Fieldname at screen
$tmp2 = get_txt($con1, 26, 1, $row4[16]); //Group name in its language
echo ("$tmp   | "); //MENU GROUP
echo ("");
echo ("$tmp2 | ");
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3918); //Fieldname at screen LANGUAGE
if ($row4[26] == 1) {$imgname = "nederland.png";}
if ($row4[26] == 2) {$imgname = "deutschland.png";}
if ($row4[26] == 3) {$imgname = "uk.png";}
if ($row4[26] == 4) {$imgname = "france.png";}
echo ("$tmp | ");
echo ("");
echo (" | ");
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $row4[27], 3919); //Fieldname at screen
$statuskey = get_status_key($con1, $status);
$tmp2 = get_txt($con1, 61, $koekje[2], $statuskey); //Fieldname at screen
echo ("$tmp   | "); //STATUS
echo ("$status $tmp2 | ");
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, 1, 3966); //Fieldname at screen
echo ("$tmp   | "); //LAST CHANGED
$tmp = substr($changeddate, 0, 10);
echo ("$tmp | ");
echo (" ");
function get_status_key($con, $num){
$qry = ("SELECT id FROM status WHERE nr = $num ;");
$result = pg_query($con, $qry);
$row = pg_fetch_array($result);
return ("$row[0]");
// LIST ALL SOFTWARE THAT WILL RUN OM THIS PART *****************************
$qry2=("SELECT tblsystext.txtname
, software.urlmain
, software.sftname
, software.sftid
, software.controller
FROM software
LEFT JOIN tblsystext ON software.controller = tblsystext.recordid
WHERE position(' $idpart ' in software.prtlst) > 0
AND software.rstid = 2
AND tblsystext.lanid = $koekje[2]
AND tblsystext.txlid = 19
ORDER BY sftname ASC
, controller ASC
$result = pg_query($con1, $qry2);
if (pg_num_rows($result)>0) { //Only if at least 1 program exists
echo (' ');
echo (""); //Header
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3922); //Fieldname at screen
if ($koekje[3]=="1") { //If this user wants to translate then
echo ("$tmp"); //If desired
}else{ echo ("$tmp"); } //Else just show if no need to translate
echo (" |
while($col = pg_fetch_array($result)){
$col[0] = ("$col[0]");
echo (" ");
echo ("$col[2]   | ");
echo ("$col[0] | ");
if ($koekje[0] > 0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
echo ("");
echo ("(Edit) | ");
echo (' ');
echo (' ');
// LIST ALL ROBOTS THAT INCLUDE THIS PART ***********************************
// $idpart
, farmbotversie.part_list
, tblsystext.txtname
FROM farmbotversie
LEFT JOIN tblsystext ON = tblsystext.recordid
WHERE tblsystext.txlid = 27
AND tblsystext.lanid = $koekje[2]
ORDER BY tblsystext.txtname ASC
$result_bpp = pg_query($con1, $qry_bpp);
$header = 0;
while($colbpp = pg_fetch_array($result_bpp)){ //Only if at least 1 robot exists
if(substr_count($colbpp[1], " $idpart ") > 0){
if ($header == 0) {
echo ("");
echo (""); //Header
$tmp = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3879); //Fieldname at screen
if ($koekje[3]=="1") { //If this user wants to translate then
echo ("$tmp"); //If desired
}else{ echo ("$tmp"); } //Else just show if no need to translate
echo (" | ");
} //End of if ($header == 0)
echo ("");
echo ("$colbpp[2]");
//Show software van deze bot
$qry=("SELECT software_basedir
FROM farmbotversie
WHERE id = $colbpp[0];");
$result = pg_query($con1, $qry);
$col = pg_fetch_array ($result ,0);
$dir1 = "/var/www/html/robotigs/software/$col[0]";
$arr1 = glob($dir1, GLOB_ONLYDIR);
if (isset($arr1[0])){
$folder = $arr1[0];
$countertmp = 0;
echo ("");
foreach (scandir($folder, 1) as $filename) {
if ($filename<>"." AND $filename <>".."){
if ($countertmp == 0){
} //End of if ($countertmp == 0)
$tmp = "/";
$dir = substr($folder, 14) ."/";
$link = $tmp .$dir .$filename;
$showname = substr($filename, 0 ,-4);
echo ("- ");
echo "$showname";
echo ("
} //End of if ($filename<>"." AND $filename <>".."){
} //End of foreach (scandir($folder, 1) as $filename)
echo ("");
} //End of if (isset($arr1[0]))
echo (" | ");
if ($header > 0){
echo (" ");
Warning: include(/var/www/html/robotigs/includes/wishlistperpart.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php on line 128
Warning: include(): Failed opening '/var/www/html/robotigs/includes/wishlistperpart.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php on line 128
| //Location:/robotigs/includes/ picts_show.php
// Requieres: $pict_list and several picture handling javascript routines
//*** FROM HERE ON THE PICTURE CORNER STARTS -----------------------------------
if ($pict_list){ //There are 1 or more pictures to be printed
echo ("");
$counter = 0;
$aantal = str_word_count($pict_list, 0, "0123456789");
$lijst = str_word_count($pict_list, 1, "0123456789");
while($counter < $aantal){
$pictkey = $lijst[$counter];
$qryy1 = ("SELECT *
FROM illustrations
WHERE ill_id = $pictkey
$resulty1 = pg_query($con1, $qryy1);
while($row = pg_fetch_array($resulty1)){ //Fields accesible by their name
foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){
$$key = stripslashes( $val );
$image = ("/robotigs/documentatie/plaatjes/$ill_name");
$pictfull = str_replace('_small', '', $image); //Pictfull=biggest version
$alt = ("Just wait till your 57....");
$txtname = get_txt($con1, 18, $koekje[2], $ill_id); //Robot illustrations subtitles
echo ("");
echo (' ');
$nummer = $counter + 1;
$txtAfb = get_txt($con1, 9, $koekje[2], 3865); //Pic Afb
if ($koekje[0]>0 and $koekje[3]>0){ //User is logged in and translates
echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: ");
echo ("$txtname");
echo (" ");
echo ("Ontkoppelen ");
if ($counter==0){
echo ("Up ");
echo ("Up ");
if ($nummer == $aantal){
echo ("Down");
echo ("Down");
}else{ //Else of if Meaning the current useer is logged in
echo ("$txtAfb $nummer: $txtname");
echo (''); //End of this picture
$counter++; //Prepair for next picture
echo (' | '); //All pictures are printed
} //End of if there are 1 or more pictures to be printed ----------------------