// Name:       SmellyUno-V02                                                  //
// Platform:   Arduino UNO Rev3                                               //
// Created by: HARB rboek2@gmail.com july 2018 GPL copyrights                 //
// Robot:      http://robotigs.com/robotigs/includes/bots_header.php?idbot=8  //
// An Arduino is used to measure air pollution.                               //

// SET PRECOMPILER OPTIONS *****************************************************
  // Initialse conditional compiling, uncomment to include, comment to exclude -
  // Do comment for runtime versions
  //#define RS232                 //Uncomment to include Serial Monitor sections
  //  #ifdef RS232   //Only include these lines if the variable has been defined

  // Define the needed header files for the precompiler, no charge if not used -
  #include <LiquidCrystal.h>                       //Default in IDE, by Tom Igoe

  // Define Arduino board pins -------------------------------------------------
  #define buzActPin   9   //Define which I/O pin connects the activ white BUZZER
  #define buttonPin  12            //Define which DIO pin connects yellow BUTTON

  #define ledRedPin  10           //3 Colour LED, which pin connects PWM red LED
  #define ledGrePin  13      //3 Colour LED, to which pin connects PWM green LED
  #define ledBluPin  11        //3 Colour LED to which pin connects PWM blue LED

  #define MQ2        A1             //Define to which pin connect orange ADC GAS
  #define MQ3        A0             //Define to which pin connect orange ADC GAS
  #define MQ5        A3             //Define to which pin connect orange ADC GAS
  #define MQ9        A2             //Define to which pin connect orange ADC GAS

  #define d4          2                                      //Data line pin LCD
  #define d5          3                                      //Data line pin LCD
  #define d6          4                                      //Data line pin LCD
  #define d7          5                                      //Data line pin LCD
  #define en          6                                         //Enable pin LCD
  #define rs          7                                //Register Select pin LCD

  //DEFINE VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------
  bool ledOnBoardVal =  LOW;  //You can chose HIGH-on or LOW-off for LED_BUILTIN
  bool ButtonVal     =  LOW;       //You can chose HIGH-on or LOW-off for BUTTON
  byte ButtonCycle   =    0;            //Cycle between 4 display options BUTTON
  word LCDcounter    = 5000;                  //Used to make it less nervous LCD
  word counter       =    0;                 //Used to effectivly count down LCD
  byte msWait        =    1;            //Test your patience during the test LED
  byte brillance     =    0;     //Brightness of any color, just to test PWM LED
  word valMQ2        =    0;               //Value as measured by MQ2 sensor GAS
  word valMQ3        =    0;               //Value as measured by MQ3 sensor GAS
  word valMQ5        =    0;               //Value as measured by MQ5 sensor GAS
  word valMQ9        =    0;               //Value as measured by MQ9 sensor GAS

  String Request     = "";                          //Create receive string WIFI
  String command     = "";                          //Create receive string WIFI
  String html        = "";                       //HTML Response preapaired WIFI
  unsigned int bodyLength;                             //HTML answer length WIFI

  //Initialize OBJECTS ---------------------------------------------------------
  LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);                    //Initialize LCD
//END OF PRECOMPILER OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------

void setup() { //Setup runs once ***********************************************
  disable_jtag();              //Disable to free port C, enabled by default JTAG
  Serial.begin(57600);         //Nothing more needed for the Serial Monitor WIFI
  pinMode(ledRedPin, OUTPUT);           //Make the LED connection output RED LED
  pinMode(ledGrePin, OUTPUT);         //Make the LED connection output GREEN LED
  pinMode(ledBluPin, OUTPUT);          //Make the LED connection output BLUE LED
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);  //Arduino boards contain an onboard BUILTIN LED

  pinMode(buzActPin, OUTPUT);          //Make the connection output ACTIV BUZZER
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);                     //Pull up to 5Vdc BUTTON

  //Start objects --------------------------------------------------------------
  lcd.begin(16, 2);            //Set up the LCD's number of columns and rows LCD

  //Test hardware and software -------------------------------------------------
  test_LEDs();                          //PWM fade in and fade out for all 4 LED
  #if defined(RS232)       //Only compiled in if it must be included CONDITIONAL
    Serial.println("Setup done");   //Print a message to test the SERIAL MONITOR
  #endif                                          //End of compiling CONDITIONAL
  beep(1);                 //Create a test beep (x5ms) with KY-012 active BUZZER
}//--(end setup )---------------------------------------------------------------

void loop() { //KEEP ON RUNNING THIS LOOP FOREVER ******************************
  valMQ2 = analogRead(MQ2);           //Read the gas concentration of sensor MQ2
  valMQ3 = analogRead(MQ3);           //Read the gas concentration of sensor MQ3
  valMQ5 = analogRead(MQ5);           //Read the gas concentration of sensor MQ5
  valMQ9 = analogRead(MQ9);           //Read the gas concentration of sensor MQ9
  checkButton();            //Check if the yellow button is being pressed BUTTON
  showLCD();                                              //Show 1 sensor at LCD
  refreshAnswer();                    //Replace the old answer by a new one WIFI
  http_check();         //See if we received a http request and reply if so WIFI
  analyzeRequest();                  //Change settings if requested by user WIFI
  toggle_ledOnBoard();          //Toggles the LED_BUILTIN on or off on-board LED
} //End of void loop()                       //KEEP ON RUNNING THIS LOOP FOREVER

void refreshAnswer(void) { //Replace the old answer by a new one WIFI **********
  html = String(valMQ2);      //Start with a fresh string and enter a value WIFI
  html += " ";         //All response values are separated by a blank space WIFI
  html += String(valMQ3);               //Add another value to the response WIFI
  html += " ";         //All response values are separated by a blank space WIFI
  html += String(valMQ5);               //Add another value to the response WIFI
  html += " ";         //All response values are separated by a blank space WIFI
  html += String(valMQ9);               //Add another value to the response WIFI
  bodyLength = html.length();  //Calculate the number of characters to sent WIFI
} //Exit refreshAnswer ---------------------------------------------------------

void http_check(void) { //See if we received a http request and reply if so WIFI
  Request = "";                   //Reset receive string by making it empty WIFI
  while (Serial.available() > 0){            //Check if any request is made WIFI
    Request = String(Request + Serial.readString());        //Read incoming WIFI
  } //End of if (Serial.available() > 0)         Entire block has been read WIFI
  if (Request != "") {                    //Did I really receive a request? WIFI
    Serial.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");        //Start answer to the request WIFI
    Serial.println("Connection: close");     //Close after html is finished WIFI
    Serial.print("Content-Length: ");   //Finish html after amount of chars WIFI
    Serial.println (bodyLength); //Name the amount of calculated characters WIFI
    Serial.println("Content-Type: text/html");    //Needed to be compatible WIFI
    Serial.println(" /n \n");                   //Needed to end the headers WIFI
    Serial.println(html);    //Broadcast the message to be shown in browser WIFI
    Serial.println();      //Any HTTP response ends with another blank line WIFI
    Serial.println();      //Any HTTP response ends with another blank line WIFI
  } //End of if (inStri <> "")                The request has been answered WIFI
} //Exit http_check ------------------------------------------------------------

void analyzeRequest(void) { //Change settings if requested by user WIFI ********
  if (Request != "") {                         //Did we receive any request WIFI
    command = Request.substring(7, 10);  //Extract the command from request WIFI
    if (command == "prg"){    //Command selects the mode: 0=OFF 1=ON 2=AUTO WIFI
      //prgVal1 = Request.substring(11, 12);    //Filter the command number WIFI
    } //End of if (command == "prg"){              Command selects the mode WIFI
  } //End of if (Request != "")                Finished processing requests WIFI
} //Exit analyzeRequest --------------------------------------------------------

void checkButton(void) { //Check if the yellow button is being pressed BUTTON **
  ButtonVal = digitalRead(buttonPin);      //High by default INPUT_PULLUP BUTTON
  if (ButtonVal == LOW) {                                //Low if pressed BUTTON
    counter = 0;                 //Refresh LCD immediately after relasing BUTTON
    while (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW){           //Wait unil released BUTTON
    }                                                          //Released BUTTON
    ButtonCycle++;                       //Show next menu item invoked by BUTTON
    if (ButtonCycle > 3){             //Only 4 smelly sensors exist (1-4) BUTTON
      ButtonCycle = 0;            //So cycle back if top had been reached BUTTON
    }                           //Cycle now contains the appropiate value BUTTON
    //delay (50);   //If main loop is short, a debouncing pause is needed BUTTON
  } //End of (ButtonVal == LOW)                            End of pressed BUTTON
} //Exit checkButton -----------------------------------------------------------

void showLCD(void) { //Show 1 sensor at LCD ************************************
  if (counter == 0) {      //Counter was introduced against a nevous display LCD
    switch (ButtonCycle) {       //So what do you want to see at the display LCD
      case 0:                            //Cycle is being pressed by user BUTTON
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print(ButtonCycle+1);                   //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print("=LPG met pro bu");               //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print("105 < ");                        //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(valMQ2);                          //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(" < 135  ");                      //Print a message to the LCD
        break;                                  //Jump to the end of this SWITCH

      case 1:                            //Cycle is being pressed by user BUTTON
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print(ButtonCycle+1);                   //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print("=Alcohol Benzin");               //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print("75 < ");                         //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(valMQ3);                          //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(" < 105   ");                     //Print a message to the LCD
        break;                                  //Jump to the end of this SWITCH

      case 2:                            //Cycle is being pressed by user BUTTON
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print(ButtonCycle+1);                   //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print("=LPG met pro bu");               //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print("250 < ");                        //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(valMQ5);                          //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(" < 360   ");                     //Print a message to the LCD
        break;                                  //Jump to the end of this SWITCH

      case 3:                            //Cycle is being pressed by user BUTTON
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print(ButtonCycle+1);                   //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print("=LPG met CO    ");               //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);            //Position curcor at screen to write LCD
        lcd.print("70 < ");                         //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(valMQ9);                          //Print a message to the LCD
        lcd.print(" < 140   ");                     //Print a message to the LCD
        break;                                  //Jump to the end of this switch

      default:     //If NO button case matched, then perform default case BUTTON
        break;                                  //Jump to the end of this SWITCH
    } //End of switch (ButtonCycle)   So what you want to see at the display LCD
    counter = LCDcounter;                       //Reset counter to initial value
  }else{                                               //Counter is not zero yet
  } //End of (counter == 0) {
} //Exit showLCD(void) { //Show 1 sensor at LCD --------------------------------

void test_LEDs(void){ //PWM fade in and fade out for all 4 LED *****************
  while (brillance<255){
    analogWrite(ledGrePin, brillance);      //Set LED to desired PWM value GREEN
    delay (msWait);
  while (brillance>0){
    analogWrite(ledGrePin, brillance);      //Set LED to desired PWM value GREEN
    delay (msWait);
  analogWrite(ledGrePin, 0);          //Set LED to desired PWM value = off GREEN
  while (brillance<255){
    analogWrite(ledBluPin, brillance);       //Set LED to desired PWM value BLUE
    delay (msWait);
  while (brillance>0){
    analogWrite(ledBluPin, brillance);       //Set LED to desired PWM value BLUE
    delay (msWait);
  analogWrite(ledBluPin, 0);           //Set LED to desired PWM value = off BLUE

  digitalWrite(ledRedPin, HIGH);          //Set LED to desired value DIO RED LED
  delay (500);
  digitalWrite(ledRedPin, LOW);       //Set LED to desired PWM value DIO RED LED
} //Exit test_LEDs -------------------------------------------------------------

void beep(uint8_t ms) { //Create a test beep (x5ms) with KY-012 active BUZZER **
  digitalWrite(buzActPin,HIGH);                                 //Turn buzzer on
  while (ms > 0){                            //Timer of the duration of the beep
    delay(5);                                                //Wait milliseconds
    ms--;                                     //Countdown untill we reached zero
  }            //Timer of the duration of the beep has been counted down to zero
  digitalWrite(buzActPin,LOW);     //Turn annoying buzzer off as fast as you can
} //Exit beep ------------------------------------------------------------------

void toggle_ledOnBoard(void){ //Toggles the LED_BUILTIN on-board LED on or off *
  ledOnBoardVal = !ledOnBoardVal;                                 //Toggle value
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledOnBoardVal);     //Set Arduino boards onboard LED
} //Exit toggle_ledBin ---------------------------------------------------------

void disable_jtag(void) { //Disable jtag to free port C, enabled by default ****
#if defined(JTD)                           //Not all AVR controller include jtag
  MCUCR |= ( 1 << JTD );                                //Write twice to disable
  MCUCR |= ( 1 << JTD );                                       //So stutter once
#endif                                            //End of conditional compiling
} //Exit jtag_disable ----------------------------------------------------------

// PIN ALLOCATIONS TABLE ARDUINO UNO                                          //
// Board -Atmel- PIN - IDE - Function          - Connection               ALT //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS TOP LEFT: DIGITAL PWM<~> ******************************* //
// SCL   -  28 - PC5 -19/A5- ADC5/SCL/PCINT13  -                          TWI //
// SDA   -  27 - PC4 -18/A4- ADC4/SDA/PCINT12  -                          TWI //
// AREF  -  21 - REF -     - AREF              -                              //
// GND   -  22 - GND -     - GND               -                              //
// 13    -  19 - PB5 -  13 - SCK/PCINT5        - LED_BUITIN + GREEN LED   SPI //
// 12    -  18 - PB4 -  12 - MISO/PCINT4       - BUTTON                   SPI //
// ~11   -  17 - PB3 -  11 - MOSI/OC2A/PCINT3  - BLUE LED                 PWM //
// ~10   -  16 - PB2 -  10 - SS/OC1B/PCINT2    - RED LED                  PWM //
// ~9    -  15 - PB1 -   9 - OC1A/PCINT1       - BUZZER                   PWM //
// 8     -  14 - PB0 -   8 - PCINT0/CLK0/ICP1  -                          DIO //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS TOP RIGHT: DIGITAL PWM<~> ****************************** //
// 7     -  13 - PD7 -   7 - PCINT23/AIN1      - LCD RC                   DIO //
// ~6    -  12 - PD6 -   6 - PCINT22/OCA0/AIN0 - LCD EN                   PWM //
// ~5    -  11 - PD5 -   5 - PCINT21/OC0B/T1   - LCD D7                   PWM //
// ~4    -   6 - PD4 -   4 - PCINT20/XCK/T0    - LCD D6                   PWM //
// ~3    -   5 - PD3 -   3 - PCINT19/OC2B/INT1 - LCD D5                   INT //
// ~2    -   4 - PD2 -   2 - PCINT18/INT0      - LCD D4                   INT //
// TX->1 -   3 - PD1 -   1 - PCINT17/TXD       - Serial monitor + WIFI    TXD //
// RX<-0 -   2 - PD0 -   0 - PCINT16/RCD       - Serial Monitor + WIFI    RCD //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS BOTTOM LEFT: POWER ************************************* //
// 5V    -   7 - VCC -      - VCC              -                          VCC //
// RES   -   1 - RES -      - PCINT14/RESET    -                          RES //
// 3.3V  -     -     -     -                   -                              //
// 5V    -     -     -     -                   -                              //
// GND   -     -     -     -                   -                              //
// GND   -     -     -     -                   -                              //
// Vin   -     -     -     -                   - Feeded from breadboard       //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS BOTTOM RIGHT: ANALOG IN ******************************** //
// A0    -  23 - PC0 -A0/14- ADC0/PCINT8       - MQ3                      ADC //
// A1    -  24 - PC1 -A1/15- ADC1/PCINT9       - MQ2                      ADC //
// A2    -  25 - PC2 -A2/16- ADC2/PCINT10      - MQ9                      ADC //
// A3    -  26 - PC3 -A3/17- ADC3/PCINT12      - MQ5                      ADC //
// A4    -  27 - PC4 -A4/18- ADC4/SDA/PCINT12  -                          TWI //
// A5    -  28 - PC5 -A5/19- ADC5/SCL/PCINT13  -                          TWI //
// EEPROM MEMORY MAP:                                                         //
// Start End  Number Description                                              //
// 0000  0000      1 Never use this memory location to be AVR compatible      //
// FUSES (can always be altered by using the STK500)                          //
// On-Chip Debug Enabled: off                            (OCDEN=0)            //
// JTAG Interface Enabled: off                           (JTAGEN=0)           //
// Preserve EEPROM mem through the Chip Erase cycle: On  (EESAVE = 0)         //
// Boot Flash section = 2048 words, Boot startaddr=$3800 (BOOTSZ=00)          //
// Boot Reset vector Enabled, default address=$0000      (BOOTSTR=0)          //
// CKOPT fuse (operation dependent of CKSEL fuses        (CKOPT=0)            //
// Brown-out detection level at VCC=2,7V;                (BODLEVEL=0)         //
// Ext. Cr/Res High Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 64 ms (CKSEL=1111 SUT=11)  //
// LOCKBITS (are dangerous to change, since they cannot be reset)             //
// Mode 1: No memory lock features enabled                                    //
// Application Protect Mode 1: No lock on SPM and LPM in Application Section  //
// Boot Loader Protect Mode 1: No lock on SPM and LPM in Boot Loader Section  //