#include "LEDDisplayDriver.h"
  bool ledOnBoardVal = LOW; //You can choose HIGH-on or LOW-off as startposition

  const byte numberOfDigits = 4;
  const byte dataPin  = A2;  //A4 is de SDA van de TWI op een Uno NIET GEBRUIKEN
  const byte clockPin = A1;  //A5 is de SDL van de TWI op een Uno NIET GEBRUIKEN

  LEDDisplayDriver display(dataPin, clockPin); //Voldoet

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Test sketch started");


//DISPLAY_INTR(display) // Only used for interrupt driven display, will not generate any code for other types:
int i=0;

void loop() {
  //display.update(); // Only needed if fourth parameter to LEDDisplayDriver is false
  toggle_ledOnBoard();              //Toggles the default on-board LED on or off

void toggle_ledOnBoard(void){ //Toggles the LED_BUILTIN on-board LED on or off *
  ledOnBoardVal = !ledOnBoardVal;                                 //Toggle value
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledOnBoardVal);     //Set Arduino boards onboard LED
} //Exit toggle_ledBin ---------------------------------------------------------

void disable_jtag(void) { //Disable jtag to free port C, enabled by default ****
#if defined(JTD)                           //Not all AVR controller include jtag
  MCUCR |= ( 1 << JTD );                                //Write twice to disable
  MCUCR |= ( 1 << JTD );                                       //So stutter once
#endif                                            //End of conditional compiling
} //Exit jtag_disable ----------------------------------------------------------