// Name:       waterflow-01 Florigs waterverbuik sensor                       //
// http://robots/includes/parts.php?idpart=331                                //
// Created by: HARB rboek2@gmail.com may 2020 GPL copyrights                  //
// Platform:   Arduino Mega 2560                                              //
//             This program tests the interrupts on a MEGA 2560, but it       //
//             should run on any microcontroller that has at least 1 pin      //
//             available for user interrupts.                                 //
//                                                                            //
// As outputs the following modules are mounted:                              //
// - Standard Arduino Onboard LED (PWM)                                       //
//           http://robotigs.nl/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php?idpart=185 //
// - 3 color LED (PWM)                                                        //
//           http://robotigs.nl/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php?idpart=293 //
// - Activ loudspeaker / buzzer                                               //
//           http://robotigs.nl/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php?idpart=240 //
//                                                                            //
// As inputs the following modules are mounted:                               //
// - LDR                                                                      //
//           http://robotigs.nl/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php?idpart=46  //
//                                                                            //
// For communications are mounted:                                            //
// - Standard Serial Monitor output                                           //
//            http://robotigs.nl/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php?idpart=43 //

// SET PRECOMPILER OPTIONS *****************************************************
  //Initialse conditional compiling, uncomment to include, comment to exclude --
  // Do comment for runtime versions
  //#define RS232                 //Uncomment to include Serial Monitor sections

  //Define the needed header files for the precompiler, no charge if not used --
  #include <TimerOne.h>          //Currently needed for reading waterflow sensor
             // http://robotigs.nl/robotigs/includes/parts_header.php?idpart=197

  //Define PINS ----------------------------------------------------------------
  #define intWfwPin     2      //Waterflow sensor on pin 2, binds to interrupt 4
  #define buzActPin     3          //Define DIO output pin connects ACTIV BUZZER
  #define ledRedPin    44         //3 Colour LED, which PWM pin connects RED LED
  #define ledGrePin    45       //3 Colour LED, which PWM pin connects GREEN LED
  #define ledBluPin    46        //3 Colour LED, which PWM pin connects BLUE LED
  //Define LIBRARY variables ---------------------------------------------------
  //Define EEPROM variables ----------------------------------------------------
  //Define DATABASE VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------
  //Define GENERAL variables ---------------------------------------------------
  int          tmp1;                                      //Can be used anywhere
  unsigned int cntr1 = 0;                   //Define waterflow interrupt counter
  //Initialize OBJECTS ---------------------------------------------------------
//END OF PRECOMPILER OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------

void setup() { //Setup runs once ***********************************************
  disable_jtag();              //Disable jtag to free port C, enabled by default
  //Timer1.initialize(10000000);     //Timer creates an interrupt every 10 seconds
  //Timer1.attachInterrupt( timerIsr );                //Starts the timer counting
  //attachInterrupt(intWfwPin, doEncIsr, CHANGE);    //Increase cntr on any change
  Serial.begin(9600);   //Nothing more needed for the Serial Monitor to function 
  pinMode(ledRedPin, OUTPUT);             //Make the LED connections output pins
  pinMode(ledGrePin, OUTPUT);             //Make the LED connections output pins
  pinMode(ledBluPin, OUTPUT);             //Make the LED connections output pins
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);  //Arduino boards contain an onboard LED_BUILTIN
  pinMode(buzActPin, OUTPUT);                 //Set this pin as output to BUZZER
  //pinMode(intWfwPin, INPUT);   //Redundant, set waterflowpin as input, default
  //digitalWrite(intWfwPin, HIGH);     //Enable pullup resistor on waterflow pin
  //pinMode(SpeedEncoL, INPUT_PULLUP);                             //Set pullup?
  analogReference(DEFAULT);                //Accurate enough for Battery Monitor
  //Timer1.initialize(100000);  //This timer will create an interrupt every 10 s
  //Timer1.attachInterrupt( timerIsr );                        //Start the timer
  //attachInterrupt(2, docntrL, RISING);      //Increase left cntr on any change
  //attachInterrupt(3, docntrR, FALLING);    //Increase right cntr on any change
  //Test hardware and software -------------------------------------------------
  toggle_LED_BUILTIN();                                      //Show we are awake
  beep(10);                     //Create a beep (x5ms) with KY-012 active BUZZER  
  toggle_LED_BUILTIN();                                      //Show we are awake
}//--(end setup )---------------------------------------------------------------

void loop() { //KEEP ON RUNNING THIS LOOP FOREVER ******************************
  tmp1 = digitalRead(intWfwPin);                     //Waterflow sensor on pin 2
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, tmp1);              //Set Arduino boards onboard LED
  //toggle_LED_BUILTIN();                   //Toggles the on-board LED on or off
} //End of void loop() ----------------------- KEEP ON RUNNING THIS LOOP FOREVER

void doEncIsr() { //Increases the left wheel speed sensor by 1 *****************
  cntr1++;                                       //Increase +1 the counter value
  toggle_LED_BUILTIN();                     //Toggles the on-board LED on or off
} //Exit docntLdoEncIsr---------------------------------------------------------

void timerIsr() { //Timer has reached its maximum *Interrupt Service Routine ***
  Timer1.detachInterrupt();                                     //Stop the timer
  toggle_LED_BUILTIN();                     //Toggles the on-board LED on or off
  Serial.print(cntr1, DEC);
  Serial.println(" pulses per 10 s");
  cntr1 = 0;
  Timer1.attachInterrupt( timerIsr );                   //Enable the timer again
} //Exit timerIsr --------------------------------------------------------------

void testLEDs(void){ //PWM fade in and fade out for 3in1 + on board LED ********
  tmp1 = 0;                      //Brightness of any color, just to test PWM LED

  while (tmp1<20){
    analogWrite(ledRedPin, tmp1);             //Set LED to desired PWM value RED
    delay (10);
  while (tmp1>0){
    analogWrite(ledRedPin, tmp1);             //Set LED to desired PWM value RED
    delay (10);
  analogWrite(ledRedPin, 0);            //Set LED to desired PWM value = off RED

  while (tmp1<20){
    analogWrite(ledGrePin, tmp1);           //Set LED to desired PWM value GREEN
    delay (10);
  while (tmp1>0){
    analogWrite(ledGrePin, tmp1);           //Set LED to desired PWM value GREEN
    delay (10);
  analogWrite(ledGrePin, 0);          //Set LED to desired PWM value = off GREEN

  while (tmp1<20){
    analogWrite(ledBluPin, tmp1);            //Set LED to desired PWM value BLUE
    delay (10);
  while (tmp1>0){
    analogWrite(ledBluPin, tmp1);            //Set LED to desired PWM value BLUE
    delay (10);
  analogWrite(ledBluPin, 0);           //Set LED to desired PWM value = off BLUE

  while (tmp1<20){
    analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, tmp1);       //Set to desired PWM value LED_BUILTIN
    delay (10);
  while (tmp1>0){
    analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, tmp1);       //Set to desired PWM value LED_BUILTIN
    delay (10);
  analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0);  //Set LED to desired PWM value = off LED_BUILTIN
} //Exit test_LEDs -------------------------------------------------------------

void beep(uint8_t ms) { //Create a beep (x5ms) with KY-012 active BUZZER *******
  digitalWrite(buzActPin,HIGH);                                 //Turn on BUZZER
  while (ms > 0){                     //Timer of the duration of the beep BUZZER
    delay(5);                                         //Wait milliseconds BUZZER
    ms--;                              //Countdown untill we reached zero BUZZER
  }                 //Timer of the duration has been counted down to zero BUZZER
  digitalWrite(buzActPin,LOW);                  //Turn annoying sound off BUZZER
} //Exit beep ------------------------------------------------------------------

void toggle_LED_BUILTIN(void){ //Toggles the on-board LED on or off ************
  //ledBuiltInVal = !ledBuiltInVal;                               //Toggle value
  //digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledBuiltInVal);          //Set Arduino onboard LED
} //Exit toggle_LED_BUILTIN ----------------------------------------------------

void disable_jtag(void) { //Disable jtag to free port C, enabled by default ****
#if defined(JTD)                           //Not all AVR controller include jtag
  MCUCR |= ( 1 << JTD );                                //Write twice to disable
  MCUCR |= ( 1 << JTD );                                       //So stutter once
#endif                                            //End of conditional compiling
} //Exit jtag_disable ----------------------------------------------------------

// PIN ALLOCATIONS TABLE ARDUINO MEGA 2560                                    //
// Board  -Atmel- PIN - Function          - External Connection          FUNC //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS RIGHT TOP: DIGITAL PWM<~> ****************************** //
// SCL    -  43 - PD0 - SCL/INT0          - Clock DS1307 purple           TWI //
// SDA    -  44 - PD1 - SDA/INT1          - Clock DS1307 white            TWI //
// AREF   -  98 - REF - AREF              -                               REF //
// 13 PWM -  26 - PB7 - OC0A/OC1C/PCINT17 - LED Arduino LED_BUILTIN       PWM //
// 12 PWM -  25 - PB6 - OC1B/PCINT16      -                               PWM //
// 11 PWM -  24 - PB5 - OC1A/PCINT5       -                               PWM //
// 10 PWM -  23 - PB4 - OC2A/PCINT4       -                               PWM //
//  9 PWM -  18 - PH6 - OC2B              -                               PWM //
//  8 PWM -  17 - PH5 - OC4C              -                               PWM //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS RIGHT MIDDLE: DIGITAL PWM<~> *************************** //
//  7 PWM -  16 - PH4 - OC4B              -                               PWM //
//  6 PWM -  15 - PH3 - OC4A              -                               PWM //
//  5 PWM -   5 - PE3 - OC3A/AIN1         -                               PWM //
//  4 PWM -   1 - PG5 - OC0B              -                               PWM //
//  3 PWM -   7 - PE5 - OC3C/INT5         -                               INT //
//  2 PWM -   6 - PE4 - OC3B/INT4         - intWfwPin waterflow sensor I4 INT //
//  1 TX0 -   3 - PE1 - TXD0              - Serial monitor PC             TX0 //
//  0 RX0 -   2 - PE0 - RXD0/PCINT8       - Serial monitor PC             RX0 //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS RIGHT BOTTOM: DIGITAL PWM<~> *************************** //
// 14 TX3 -  64 - PJ1 - TXD3/PCINT10      -                               TX3 //
// 15 RX3 -  63 - PJ0 - RXD3/PCINT9       -                               RX3 //
// 16 TX2 -  13 - PH1 - TXD2              -                               TX2 //
// 17 RX2 -  12 - PH0 - RXD2              -                               RX2 //
// 18 TX1 -  46 - PD3 - TXD1/INT3         - WIFI SERIAL               INT TX1 //
// 19 RX1 -  45 - PD2 - RXD1/INT2         - WIFI SERIAL               INT RX1 //
// 20 SDA -  44 - PD1 - SDA/INT1          - DS1307 I2C Clock white        TWI //
// 21 SCL -  43 - PD0 - SCL/INT0          - DS1307 I2C Clock purple       TWI //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS LEFT TOP: POWER **************************************** //
// NC     -     -     -                   - Not Connected                     //
// IOREF  -     -     - 3.3/5Vdc          - Outputs controller voltage        //
// 5V     -   7 - VCC - VCC               -                               VCC //
// RES    -   1 - RES - PCINT14/RESET     -                               RES //
// 3.3V   -     -     -                   -                                   //
// 5V     -     -     -                   -                                   //
// GND    -     -     -                   -                                   //
// GND    -     -     -                   -                                   //
// Vin    -     -     - 7/9Vdc power in   -                                   //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS LEFT MIDDLE : ANALOG IN ******************************** //
// A0     -  97 - PF0 - ADC0              -                               ADC //
// A1     -  96 - PF1 - ADC1              -                               ADC //
// A2     -  95 - PF2 - ADC2              -                               ADC //
// A3     -  94 - PF3 - ADC3              -                               ADC //
// A4     -  93 - PF4 - ADC4/TCK          -                               ADC //
// A5     -  92 - PF5 - ADC5/TMS          -                               ADC //
// A6     -  91 - PF6 - ADC6/TDO          -                               ADC //
// A7     -  90 - PF7 - ADC7/TDI          -                               ADC //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS RAILS LEFT BOTTOM: ANALOG IN ********************************* //
// A8     -  89 - PK0 - ADC8/PCINT16      -                               ADC //
// A9     -  88 - PK1 - ADC9/PCINT17      -                               ADC //
// A10    -  87 - PK2 - ADC10/PCINT18     -                               ADC //
// A11    -  86 - PK3 - ADC11/PCINT19     -                               ADC //
// A12    -  85 - PK4 - ADC12/PCINT20     -                               ADC //
// A13    -  84 - PK5 - ADC13/PCINT21     -                               ADC //
// A14    -  83 - PK6 - ADC14/PCINT22     -                               ADC //
// A15    -  82 - PK7 - ADC15/PCINT23     -                               ADC //
//                                                                            //
// CONNECTIONS DOUBLE RAILS BOTTOM ****************************************** //
// Board  -Atmel- PIN - Function          - External Connection          FUNC //
// 5V     -     - 5Vdc- 5Vdc              -                               VCC //
// 5V     -     - 5Vdc- 5Vdc              -                               VCC //
// 22     -  78 - PA0 - AD0               - buzActPin Activ buzzer        DIO //
// 23     -  77 - PA1 - AD1               -                               DIO //
// 24     -  76 - PA2 - AD2               -                               DIO //
// 25     -  75 - PA3 - AD3               -                               DIO //
// 26     -  74 - PA4 - AD4               -                               DIO //
// 27     -  73 - PA5 - AD5               -                               DIO //
// 28     -  72 - PA6 - AD6               -                               DIO //
// 29     -  71 - PA7 - AD7               -                               DIO //
// 30     -  60 - PC7 - A14               -                               DIO //
// 31     -  59 - PC6 - A15               -                               DIO //
// 32     -  58 - PC5 - A13               -                               DIO //
// 33     -  57 - PC4 - A12               -                               DIO //
// 34     -  56 - PC3 - A11               -                               DIO //
// 35     -  55 - PC2 - A10               -                               DIO //
// 36     -  54 - PC1 - A9                -                               DIO //
// 37     -  53 - PC0 - A8                -                               DIO //
// 38     -  50 - PD7 - T0                - DS18B20 Soil temperature      DIO //
// 39     -  70 - PG2 - ALE               -                               DIO //
// 40     -  52 - PG1 - RD                - Relay1 VERWARMING             DIO //
// 41     -  51 - PG0 - WR                -                               DIO //
// 42     -  42 - PL7 -                   - Relay2 VERLICHTING            DIO //
// 43     -  41 - PL6 -                   -                               DIO //
// 44     -  40 - PL5 - OC5C              - 3 Color led Red               PWM //
// 45     -  39 - PL4 - OC5B              - 3 Color led Green             PWM //
// 46     -  38 - PL3 - OC5A              - 3 Color led Blue              PWM //
// 47     -  37 - PL2 - T5                -                               DIO //
// 48     -  36 - PL1 - ICP5              -                               DIO //
// 49     -  35 - PL0 - ICP4              - SDcard Chip Select green      DIO //
// 50     -  22 - PB3 - MISO/PCINT3       - Lan ENC28J60 / SDcard orange  SPI //
// 51     -  21 - PB2 - MOSI/PCINT2       - Lan ENC28J60 / SDcard yellow  SPI //
// 52     -  20 - PB1 - SCK/PCINT1        - Lan ENC28J60 / SDcard blue    SPI //
// 53     -  19 - PB1 - SS/PCINT0         - ENC28J60 Chip Select green    SPI //
// GND    -     - GND - GND               -                               GND //
// GND    -     - GND - GND               -                               GND //

// EEPROM MEMORY MAP:                                                         //
// Start End  Number Description                                              //
// 0000  0000      1   Never use this memory location to be AVR compatible    //
// 0001  0001      1 WATER propWaterProg program 1=off 2=on 3=auto     RELAY1 //
// 0002  0002      1   If capac1 reaches this propWaterON*10 then set  RELAY1 //
// 0003  0003      1   Number seconds*10 propWaterSecs water on        RELAY1 //
// 0004  0004      1 GROEILED1 propLED1Prog program 1=off 2=on 3=auto  RELAY2 //
// 0005  0005      1   Number of propLED1hours around noon groeiled1   RELAY2 //
// 0006  0006      1 VERWARMING propHeatProg program 1=off 2=on 3=auto RELAY3 //
// 0007  0007      1   propHeatON/10 (0-25,5) aanschakeltemperatuur    RELAY3 //
// 0008  0008      1   propHeatOFF/10 (0-25,5) uitschakeltemperatuur   RELAY3 //
// 0009  0009      1 GROEILED2 propLED2prog program 1=off 2=on 3=auto  RELAY4 //
// 0010  0010      1   Number of propLED2hours around noon groeiled2   RELAY4 //

// FUSES (can always be altered by using the STK500)                          //
// On-Chip Debug Enabled: off                            (OCDEN=0)            //
// JTAG Interface Enabled: off                           (JTAGEN=0)           //
// Preserve EEPROM mem through the Chip Erase cycle: On  (EESAVE = 0)         //
// Boot Flash section = 2048 words, Boot startaddr=$3800 (BOOTSZ=00)          //
// Boot Reset vector Enabled, default address=$0000      (BOOTSTR=0)          //
// CKOPT fuse (operation dependent of CKSEL fuses        (CKOPT=0)            //
// Brown-out detection level at VCC=2,7V;                (BODLEVEL=0)         //
// Ext. Cr/Res High Freq.; Start-up time: 16K CK + 64 ms (CKSEL=1111 SUT=11)  //
//                                                                            //
// LOCKBITS (are dangerous to change, since they cannot be reset)             //
// Mode 1: No memory lock features enabled                                    //
// Application Protect Mode 1: No lock on SPM and LPM in Application Section  //
// Boot Loader Protect Mode 1: No lock on SPM and LPM in Boot Loader Section  //