//SEEDS WE WANT TO BUY ****************************************************** //Location:/flora/software/printer/ print_wishlist_order.php //*** PROGRAM SETTINGS include "/var/www/html/robotigs/includes/include_all_updateable.php"; $recordkey = 192; //Requiered by include_head, title, record tblsysText 22 include ("/var/www/html/robotigs/includes/include_head.php"); //Entire header //*** FROM HERE ON THE SYSTEM SCREEN STARTS ------------------------------------ echo ("
"); //*** MENU SYSTEM NEW STYLE ---------------------------------------------------- include ("/var/www/html/robotigs/mobile/menu.php"); //Mobile menu bar //*** FROM HERE ON THE NORMAL USER SCREEN STARTS ------------------------------- $qry=("SELECT floraseed.sedid , SUBSTRING(ordername FROM 1 FOR POSITION(' ' IN ordername)) , INITCAP(SUBSTRING(ordername, POSITION(' ' IN ordername)+1)) , to_char(CAST(price AS numeric)/100, '9990D99') , price , url FROM floraseed WHERE floraseed.statusid = 2 ORDER BY LPAD (SUBSTRING(ordername FROM 1 FOR POSITION(' ' IN ordername)),7,'0' ) ASC ;"); $result = pg_query($con, $qry); $totaalEUR = 0; //Total amount of the order in EURO $colli = 0; echo ("$field[1] | "); echo ("$field[2] | "); echo ("$field[3] | "); echo ("|
$colli | "); echo ("colli | "); echo ("Totaal € | "); echo ("$show | "); echo ("